Saturday, January 27, 2007

Still 2006???

Because here in Taiwan we are still in the old year, I'm using it as an opportunity to post some archived pictures of the last few things that happened before we say goodbye to the old.

It was Audrey's birthday and we all gathered at a BRAAI restaurant. There were faces from all over town. Lise, Lize, Pieter, Louise, Ursula, Yayun, Shaun, Andre, Sonya, Johan, Liezl, Anita, Jason, Carolise and Theuns.

There is no saying how old Audrey could actually be, but rumour had it that it could be well over 65. When officials asked her the big question, she replied with a modest "no comment"
Jan, Andre, Lize, Audrey en Lise.

Jason en Theuns gooi nog 'n bier terwyl Sonya en Anita 'n simboliese uitbeelding van "Wes" en "Afrika" ten toon stel.

Sonya did pull off the "Chinese ensemble" very well, don't-cha think?

A few more pictures telling the stories of the lives of foreigners in Taiwan. Louise en Ursula eet vreeslik terwyl Shaun nog vleisie op die kool gooi.

Engel Liezl probeer Mind Over Matter teen Kung Fu Guru Jan.

Dit was later morsig!

Location, Location, Location!!! Dit was nie lank nadat ons van watergat verander het dat die party tot 'n totale stilstand gekom het nie.

Rule 1: Never change the location or position of a good thing happening!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Die res van die toer...

So 'n lang ruk gelede was die blog nie klaar gemaak nie en was daar behoorlik kilp gegooi en tyres gebrand. Hier is die res van die toer dan...

Fotos neem op die berge, besoek aflê aan die plaaslike markte. Dit was appel boorde oral om jou.
Audrey maak vuur en dis baie, baie koud!

'n paar sosaties vir die aand se vuur...

On the bus and ready to go. The couple from Taipei was enjoying the view, while the Peanut Gallery was planning for a nap.

The Drive to Taroko

There was a lot of Driving, stopping taking pictures and driving again...

A self portrait

Then there was more stopping, more driving...

then some more driving and more stopping...

... and finally we went through the main sites at Taroko... had a bit of a traffic jam...

...then we saw the end of a long, dark ride on our way to the ocean...


Met Hualien (Gwa-lie-jin) op ons voorstoep, kon ons uiteindelik rustig raak.

Die volgende oggend moes ons net by 'n Breakfast Shop uitkom.

En toe die see en sites van nader af beskou.

Ons moes gaan swem in die see en dit was lank voor ons die geskikte plek kon kry om te swem. Die son was reeds oppad onder.

'n paar dingetjies op die strand en so en dit...

A place to sleep...

The only reason why Andrè is smiling is because he did not have to go look for a place to camp out as he was already settled nicely in a hostel in town.

After scouting out places we found just the right spot and also just in time as the darkness brought out the sound of the ocean's waves, rolling stones to mimic the sound of thunder.

It was night and then it was day...

We were up by 5 and the fire was still going strong. Strongish.

Waking up at 5am aint pretty, but this was actually something to wake up to.

... then we were on our way back home. :-(

We took some last good-bye pictures on the way back, calling everything we shot a show stopper. What do you think are these pictures really show stoppers or were we just high on something?