Friday, May 18, 2007

'n Eiland vir Februarie

Vir die Vakansie in Februarie was ek en Audrey na 'n eiland aan die Suid punt van Taiwan. Sy naam is Hsiaou (shaa-oe) Luichiou (Lie-ou-tsjo). Wat beteken Little Okinawa wat kom van toe die Japanese nog 'n vinger in die Pie gehad het.

Die eiland is rustig met toeriste meesal net oor naweke en meesal net dag toeriste. Daar is klein stukkies wit strand orals rondom die eiland asof elke persoon sy eie persoonlike strand het.

Strong under currents make it undesirable for swimming and unless you are going in much deeper into the ocean, most coral reefs are are getting less colorful or just non-existant for snorkeling.

Nevertheless the people goes to bed at 9pm, drive scooters with colorful doilies on their seats and it looked like wearing a helmet was banned, as I haven't seen any, not even for sale.

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We went there with Taiwan's new Bullet Train, which is all as promising as it sounds! A taxi ride to the ferry landing and a 30 minute ferry ride later paradise welcomed us. Our host made a little poster for us to pick us up, but when I looked around me it didn't seem that hard tofind or distinguish us from the rest of the travelers as we were the only Caucasion people on the island.

I, of course, had to immediately go spend time on some kind of beach in my favorite position...

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