Friday, October 27, 2006

Die Laang Naweek

So een Vrydag in Oktober was dit Moon Festival en op 'n opvolgende Dinsdag was dit Taiwan se verjaarsdag(10/10). So die Government besluit toe om sommer Maandag ook af te gee mits ons die volgende Saterdag werk. Nee ek's jammer dis China, so daars geen keuse nie, dit is hoe dit was!!!

So ons besluit toe om 'n bus te huur en die pad af suide toe aan te durf. Laaste voorbereidings soos sjokolade koekies was tot laat nag in Shaun se woning gedoen.
Ons het soos een man besluit om vroeg op te staan en sou voor 5 uit die stad wees om die verkeer te mis.

Taiwan has a lot of traffic and during weekends like these everybody thinks that if they leave earlier they would miss it. The streets were already a mess on Thursday 5pm.

So here Shaun, Ya-Yun and myself are waiting for Audrey to meet us on the corner of.. whatever you won't know anyway.

Andre and Carolise helped getting us doped with caffeine as we had only but a little sleep.

We drove for about an hour or so and realised that we could go no further without filling up for the long mountain drive ahead. Thanks to Kitty who paid for all the gas by the way. So a breakfast pit stop it was until 7am because only then will that gas station open for business.

Luckily we didn't leave the city as planned otherwise it could have been a very long wait!!!

Die foto is op die bergpas wat net gery kan word teen 'n gemiddelde spoed van 30km/h - I shit you not!!! ek was mal en moeg terselfde tyd.

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